Purposes of the new Anim32 version 1.35

Second full official release of Anim32:

This program can also be used to create naive art or modern art paintings, starting from a draft, a scanned drawing, starting from nothing or by applying photo editing; in small companies it can be useful for creating textures, for example if they are to be printed on wallpaper for the home.

It can be useful in converting (animated) images or for creating/touching up small animations, e.g. in .GIF format.

For all 2D platform game developers it can be a very useful if not indispensable tool for defining sprites and special effects.

The following 3 BUGS have been fixed in this new version of Anim32:

BUG: When switching frames with DEFKEYLEFT or DEFKEYRIGHT, the overlay display of coordinates disappears.

BUG: TA32_Main_Form.FormCreate(), ResChanged:=OldRes<>GConfig.Dsk.Resolution; detected changement of the graphics resolution in the startup process. When saved configuration file of Anim32 is set to DESKTOP, when opening Anim32 it doesn't notice that the dimensions of the frames of the swap file are no longer compatible with the new graphic resolution and it should, in this case, reformat the swap file.

BUG: Selecting the [X] ReDim Frame(s) and [X] Fit Screen loading options with 24 and 32 Bit/Pixel images erroneously uses the fast resize function, producing an unreadable image.

Second full official release of Anim32:

Get ANIM32 V.1.35 and ANIMEDI V.7.68+

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